Finally have crawled out of the basement for air!

I have been in the basement studio for what seems a millineum! This summer has been one of the busiest in a few years with the 3 First Stage Children's Theater quilts, Creative SHARP, and my latest adventure the WI Quilt Museum Donor Quilt. This quilt was very challenging from the start. First, it is 12 feet square! I have a 16 foot long arm table but this gal took up almost the entire length of my zip leaders. The quilt had been hung without support at many fund raising events so there were some issues with stretching. All in all, she quilted out well; after some quilting related coaxing and blocking she looks pretty square and flat!
I quilted large freehand feathers radiating from the center flying geese area..there are radiant areas of griding mixed into the feathered areas, also. The purpose of this quilt is to raise money for the rehab of an old barn in Cedarburg WI. This project sold space to the donors for $100 to $5,000.00+. Eventually, all the donors names will be placed on the quilt in the feathers, geese, circle medallions, etc.
This quilt had to be finished by the time the IQA Market/Festival is held in Houston..Finished with three weeks to go! Thanks to Luella Doss for her graciousness at getting supplies here to the studio and for picking up and dropping off the quilt. Enjoy! If you are in Houston stop in at the booth to see the quilt and make a donation!
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