As promised

Here I sit awaiting a plumber but that gives me time to get my blog up to date!
First off, Nate got a job! Though he is taking today off to solve the water issues at hacienda des flamencas! (house of flamingos) We had our main sewer pipe break last come these things never happen during the day? He is gainfully employed by a small machining company and is enjoying the non-automotive aspect of his new workplace!
As promised, I am posting a pictures of new pieces today.
My latest quilt pattern for BBD Creations, Inc. is entitled "The Lizard". It depicts a green anole lizard climbing through fuchsia bougainvillea branches. Bonnie created the bookmark and I translated to fabric. The whole quilt is 24" by 55" long..a great front hallway, or as I put it, a Loo, quilt; for those spaces that conventional square fiber pieces just don't fit! The quilting doesn't show up here well..I promise to post a detail pix later...the quilt is in Chicago at the IQA show..... the body of the lizard has scales and the background is all about texture....twisting, vining leaves..all 1/8" to 1/4" wide by an inch long! more to come later!
The second picture is another BBD Creations pattern line addition. This little table runner is made from the luxurious wools from Mary Flanagan's Woolens. It is designed off the new index/recipe card line from uses "scrap" pieces from other projects (Sunflower wool pillow pattern). It features Bonnie's signature bees.....cut and paste fusible web secures the wool patches for machine buttonhole stitching using the Madiera Lana Wool thread..wonderful quick piece. No batting, just two layers of wool and decorative stitching to hold it together.
I have been spending a lot of my "creative" time for two very dear projects: Long arm time is spent quilting tops from the local chapter of QOV: Quilts of good friend, Tink, has sent several tops to me to quilt for the families of fallen soldiers. I find each quilt brings me a bit of peace knowing a family might find comfort in knowing strangers are thinking of them and their family sacrifice. Recently, I saw one of the QOV's I had a hand in featured on HBO..a program entitled "Area 60" shows a father of a vet curled up in a memorial quilt at his son's grave at Arlington..truly touching to see how these quilts help the families in their grief.
I also have spent the last few weeks getting up to speed in my new capacity as the VP of the WI Quilt Museum Project. A new and exciting project of building a new museum for the Fiber Arts here in my own North Shore Community. We hope to break ground soon. We are converting a 100 year old+ barn into a state of the art fiber arts museum with classroom and conservation space. Hopefully, by this time next year we will have a new destination for all our fiber art enthusiasts. Please visit the Museum's website and keep up with the building project at
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