First pix of a Quilt!

This is the latest in the new line of quilts for BBD Creations, Inc. This piece was exhibited at the International Quilters Association's (IQA) Chicago Festival, 2006. It is called Quilter's Covenant. A fun, freezer-paper applique with simple machine piecing for the borders. You can't see it here but there are crystals in the night sky that flash as the light hits the matt black background. It is 48 x 56 inches and compliments the date book that BBD Creations has in their stationery line. If you wish to see more link to
Hello Terri.J am trying to locate a full copy of the pattern for Quilter's Covenant. I purchased a copy...many years ago, but lost most of hte pattern inside the plastic is dated 2006 BBD Creaations, INC. Please let me know if I can purchase a new copy. Eileen Richardson. email:
Thank you
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